Tuesday, August 12, 2008

choosing Your Exit Strategy

Our exit strategy impacts many directions that we might choose in growing the Fightersoft business. Not considering our exit strategy early on may indeed limit our options in the future. It is not a matter of whether we will register our shares, or otherwise dispose of our interest in the Fightersoft business. It is a matter of decisions of when and how.

This information and the process is a private matter and will be discussed and agreed upon by everyone who is on the board of directors and by the investors in the company! That having been said, no one in GSBC has every invested 1 penny in the Fightersoft public company, so the obvious answer is when the time comes to register the shares everyone will be notified.

I chose to gift some of my personal shares to duped GSBC investors and friends. I did it when the company valuation (and share price) was just pennies. This was done in an effort to help GSBC shareholders and to prove my intentions were more important than just being a typical promoter only interested in my own welfare.

The fact is I chose to make every shareholder part of my family and save them from a sinking ship full of greed, lies, and fraudulent behaviour by the directors and officers of GSBC. Of course if anyone has taken the time to read my recent blogs you would now know and realize that I am 100% innocent and have vindicated myself by proving the deception and fraudulent behaviour by the directors and officers of GSBC aka Cyberian.

My partners and other promoters for Fightersoft funded the early growth of the company without using venture capital (VC). with that being said, It is now mandatory that Fightersoft contemplate the management and control issues before registering public shares and ownership.

Currently we have long-term plans regarding the Fightersoft business, and will specifically announce it to the world very soon. However please keep in mind our response will be a careful and thoughtful one as we will not be rushed by anyone at anytime.

Liquidation of ownership shares in Fightersoft is a very personal decision, and it is yours to make as a entrepreneur or shareholder. However in my opinion it is a travesty to those who did invest money in Fightersoft who have also helped build it when people who have invested nothing in this company start offering there gifted shares on the market, or people writing pathetic emails that bare no real name or bonifide interest in the company. From my perspective, there is no decent person in the world that would do this or hide behind a name like Mr. Perfect!

I along with my partners and investors and employees are building a business. Our exit strategy is simple and is a very important part of our business plan. Keeping this plan away from certain people saves our business and allows us to maintain integrity in the company and the moral of our employees.

As a successful entrepreneur, Fightersoft and its promoters have nearly 100 percent of all money invested in this company. Some entrepreneurs sell to other private companies and achieve asset diversification by becoming part of the larger, merged business. While immediate liquidity may not be their primary driver, founders who take this course usually move closer to a liquidation opportunity. However we have moved to take the long road and build a real business looking to be paid by the sales of our products and not the sale of our shares. The advantages of building a big business are also obvious. You don’t have give up your "baby." You don’t have to give up control, and most importantly we have the opportunity to grow the Fightersoft business (and the value of our shares) in the future.

Of course the Fightersoft business is a very valuable asset and the Ownership represents nearly 100 percent investment by Promoters. Why you ask? Because people always invest their money where they know they can win. Why offer something on the stock market for a cheap price when if you wait you can offer it for big money and get paid!

Personally, I love my investment in Fightersoft because it is a well-run company which has been recently "discovered" by many attractive buyers here in the Philippines and abroad .As an investor, I prefer niche or boutique businesses as you are in control and the only game in town.

Offering shares to GSBC shareholders was my way of giving these people a way to get their money back or to make more money by becoming part of the Fightersoft family and watching the buisness grow. In my opinion, issuing new free trading shares for a discount was the ultimate jester of good faith and should have been viewed as something very special.

Why you ask?

Because, selling ownership to public markets generally provides the cash for growth, while offering the principals of the company the promise of some future liquidity of their shares. Liquidation by an entrepreneur can be accomplished, but it is likely to require many years, unless, of course, the entire company is subsequently sold. Control by the founders is generally possible, but the company acquires a new set of investors with a short-term perspective on defining success. Dealing with the demands of the market makers and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will become a reality. And, in volatile markets, it may not be desirable.

In closing never let it be said that as a promoter for Fightersoft that I have not taken the time to answer questions to anyone involved in this company. But be assured that I will never give away private information or our strategy to people who have no real name or to people attempting to hurt the company by selling off shares before we have made any money!


Ronald Flynn